Coffee to go


Aren’t they just nice to hold in your hand? They are like a giveaway. The feeling of a paper cup containing a very incomparable liquid, coffee. It is the sum of the total experience from your favorite coffee shop packaged in on cup carried in your hands. So precious you want to bring it with you. One cup, containing a full concept outside and away from the actual physical coffee shop.

My angle to this project is more a design oriented view of different coffee places I crossed path with. How they differentiate them self’s and their conceptual look. Not all reviews will include notes on above criteria but the ambition is to give a review of every shops total coffee experience, out of a Visual Communication and Design perspective as well as the coffee and food experience. I have visited all shops mentioned in this blog and all of them are local businesses.

My reviews while be focuses on:  

Design of Take Away Cups & Product packaging

Visual Identity and design

Food menu & breakfast options

Interior & service

It all started when my heart got caught by "All day breakfast" joints in Sydney, Australia. I love them. They became sanctuaries for my thoughts and people watching. They all had good and awesome menus and their coffee makes you wanting a new cup for every spend hour under the sun. I came to realize that this places are the reason of a huge social activity but why is some places making you remember them and wanting to go back while others are the exact opposite.

As a visual communicator and brand strategist I been working for coffee shops before both as a designer and barista.